Invited Speakers

Markus BRANDSTETTER, RECENDT Research Center for Non Destructive Testing GmbH, Linz
Non-destructive chemical imaging of materials utilizing mid-infrared spectroscopy

Claus DANZER, Friedrich-Schiller University Jena
First Conference on Solid State Analysis - Pros and Cons in Organizing a Conference in GDR 1975
(Lecture dedicated to the 20th jubilee of the conference)

Manfred GRASSERBAUER, Vienna University of Technology
Memories are made of this: Scientific relations in the times of the Cold War
(Lecture dedicated to the 20th jubilee of the conference)

Juliana MARTINS, Martin Luther University Halle
Nanotomographic X-ray imaging for materials science

Frank MÜCKLICH, Saarland University, Saarbrücken
New surfaces by tailored microtopography - fast, precise and efficient through Direct Laser Interference Pattering (DLIP)

Gareth S. PARKINSON, Vienna University of Technology
Single-Atom Catalysis: An Atomic-Scale View

Michael RHODE, BAM - Bundesanstalt für Materialforschung und -prüfung, Berlin
Hydrogen in weld joints - an underestimated risk ? - Utilization potential of gas analytics versus safety of welded components

Marietta SEIFERT, IFW Leibniz Institute for Solid State and Materials Research, Dresden
Characterization of Advanced Material Systems for High Temperature Sensor Devices

Julia STÄHLER, Fritz Haber Institute, Berlin
Taming ZnO: Following the many pathways of optical excitations in a recalcitrant material from femto- to microseconds

Christof WÖLL, KIT - Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
Multifunctional, Crystalline Designer Solids via Layer-by-Layer Assembly of Molecular Building Blocks: Principles, Prospects, and Applications of SURMOFs