Jubilee Lectures

On the occasion of the 20th jubilee of this conference 2 special historic lectures will be given:

Prof. Claus DANZER from University of Jena will talk about his memories and experiences about organizing the first Conference on Solid State Analysis (Tagung Festkörperanalytik) in the former German Democratic Republic (GDR) in 1975.

Prof. Manfred GRASSERBAUER from Vienna University of Technology will talk about his memories of his early cooperations with scientists in GDR already in the seventies during the time of the cold war, and how things developed after the fall of the iron curtain. In fact Manfred Grasserbauer was chair of the 8th Conference on Solid State Analysis, the first to be held in Vienna in 1995. Since then FKA alternately was held in Chemnitz and Vienna.

Both lecturers have assured that their presentations will not only be nostalgia for the witnesses of that time, but a very interesting piece of contemporary history about scientific east-west relations during the time of the iron curtain particularly also for young people !